My career

I have previously studied Biotechnology Engeneering at Universidad de Santiago de Chile because I thought engeneering was a perfect career for me. I am a person who loves science, however and in this moment I put aside my attraction to science and I became attracted to art. In the past I also thought that architecture was a too expensive and time-consuming career and that in engeneering I could generate a great impact in science because I always want to help people but this dream decline with my enthusiasm. Months later, I leave this career and I decided to study something that I always wanted: Architecture.

I chose architecture because in this career is possible to mix art with science and apply it in the city, a element so complex and full of problems. I also saw in architecture the possibility of achieving one of the problems that have affected our society for a long time: the lack of housing.

In architecture is possible to learn things from many areas and this is because in the architecture and planning all elements matter; from the context to the human relationships that can happen in a project like a building or a urban planning.

I studied in Universidad de Chile because this university is one of the best universities in Chile and the study plan was very interesting because it had subjets focused on several areas that focused on physics and construction, as well as the possibility of choose a specialization in the area that interested me. In this moment I think that construction area is great for me.

Benesse House Museum, Tadao Ando (1992)


  1. "I chose architecture because in this career is possible to mix art with science "
    It's so true. Can be mixed with anything!

  2. I also was interested in science before of studied architecture haha

  3. Is the most beautiful career! you can build things on ur mind

  4. I did not know that you had also changed your career. Welcome to the club LOL


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